just finish watched P.S. I LOVE YOU
and i'm crying like crazy
not because the movie but because my memories
its been a very long time i never cry because of him
and tonight i really did it
the last night in UKM
i really can't get rid of him
no matter how hard i tried to forget him
he will come and those memories keep replaying like a movie
this stories remind me how we used to be
a pure memories
a little things but means a lot for me
its been 5 years and its still in my mind
i'm not loving him anymore
but i still love the memories
no one know how it feel
its really hurt actually
i'm laughing
i'm joking
trying to be strong
to show them i'm strong
but in the end
i'm crying inside my heart
and tonight i can't hold it anymore
this movie brought back the memories
i hate being alone
because he will came and makes me cry again
this empty room will be the witness
this is the last time i'm crying because of him in UKM
take a deep breath..
and let it out..
take another deep breath and let it out loud
thanks Isz
thanks for the memories
i know between us theres something unfinished
but i'm will not turning back anymore
and our memories will remain in my deep heart
at a special corner named first love box
i will open it sometimes when u came in my mind
and close it again when i'm smile on my own
u taught me a lot of things
but this is our story
our fate
i really hope one day i can face u
and saying
"hi friend"
with a sincere smile in my face
thanks for looking for me that day
thats means u still remember me
i don't know because of happy or hurt moments
but thanks
and i'm sorry about my friend
thanks again Isz
Sometime you just have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears and say goodbye